Acupuncture: Certified to teach TRE (trauma tension release exercises) used for PTSD, pain from traumatic events like car accidents, etc. Education: Teaching Tai Chi and Qigong (therapeutic movement)
Acupuncture: Certified to teach TRE (trauma tension release exercises) used for PTSD, pain from traumatic events like car accidents, etc. Education: Teaching Tai Chi and Qigong (therapeutic movement)
Doctor Rebecca Weidner is a chiropractor at Simply Health Chiropractic in Spring Green, WI. If you are struggling with neck or back pain, headaches or migraines, carpal tunnel, sciatica, or any other
Doctor Rebecca Weidner is a chiropractor at Simply Health Chiropractic in Spring Green, WI. If you are struggling with neck or back pain, headaches or migraines, carpal tunnel, sciatica, or any other